Morning Edition (NPR), “Dickens At 200: A Birthday You Can’t ‘Bah Humbug'”

February 7, 2012

Interview on NPR’s “Morning Edition” about the impact that Charles Dickens had on the English language. (Feb. 7, 2012)

Dickens’ novels often had more than 100 characters — major and minor — each with their portraits vividly painted — each with their own characteristic manner of speaking. Ben Zimmer of Visual Thesaurus wrote a birthday column calling attention to commonly used names and expressions that had their origins in Dickens: We call a miserly person a “Scrooge”; we refer to grouches who say “bah humbug”; and in Bleak House, it’s Mr. Snagsby who uses the expression “not to put too fine a point on it.”

(Show page, audio, related Word Routes column)

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